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931 - 940 of 1669 for Square RootSearch Results
Let E be a linear space over a field K. Then the vector space tensor product tensor _(lambda=1)^(k)E is called a tensor space of degree k. More specifically, a tensor space ...
A sequence of moves (i.e., a path) on a chessboard by a chess piece in which each square of a chessboard is visited exactly once.
The triangular cupola is Johnson solid J_3. Its faces consist of 4 equilateral triangles, 3 squares, and 1 hexagon. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A triangular grid, also called an isometric grid (Gardner 1986, pp. 209-210), is a grid formed by tiling the plane regularly with equilateral triangles.
A triangular pyramid is a pyramid having a triangular base. The tetrahedron is a triangular pyramid having congruent equilateral triangles for each of its faces. The edge ...
Integrals of the form intf(costheta,sintheta)dtheta (1) can be solved by making the substitution z=e^(itheta) so that dz=ie^(itheta)dtheta and expressing costheta = ...
Construction of the angle pi/4=45 degrees produces an isosceles right triangle. Since the sides are equal, sin^2theta+cos^2theta=2sin^2theta=1, (1) so solving for ...
A bundle or fiber bundle is trivial if it is isomorphic to the cross product of the base space and a fiber.
The catacaustic of the Tschirnhausen cubic with parametric representation x = 3(t^2-3) (1) y = t(t^2-3) (2) with radiant point at (-8,0) is the semicubical parabola with ...
A Turing machine is a theoretical computing machine invented by Alan Turing (1937) to serve as an idealized model for mathematical calculation. A Turing machine consists of a ...
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