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1011 - 1020 of 2579 for Spherical Bessel Differential EquationSearch Results
A handlebody of type (n,k) is an n-dimensional manifold that is attained from the standard n-disk by attaching only k-D handles.
Half of a sphere cut by a plane passing through its center. A hemisphere of radius r can be given by the usual spherical coordinates x = rcosthetasinphi (1) y = ...
y^(n/m)+c|x/a|^(n/m)-c=0, with n/m<2. If n/m>2, the curve is a hyperellipse.
An imaginary quadratic field is a quadratic field Q(sqrt(D)) with D<0. Special cases are summarized in the following table. D field members -1 Gaussian integer -3 Eisenstein ...
A random process whose future probabilities are determined by its most recent values. A stochastic process x(t) is called Markov if for every n and t_1<t_2...<t_n, we have ...
The ring of integers of a number field K, denoted O_K, is the set of algebraic integers in K, which is a ring of dimension d over Z, where d is the extension degree of K over ...
Let f:R->R, then the negative part of f is the function f^-:R->R defined by f^-(x)=max(-f(x),0). Note that the negative part is itself a nonnegative function. The negative ...
Place 2n balls in a bag and number them 1 to 2n, then pick half of them at random. The number of different possible sums for n=1, 2, 3, ... are then 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ... ...
The number sign # sometimes used in mathematics to indicate the number of a quantity satisfying some condition, e.g., #{n:n>1}. The symbol is also used to denote a primorial.
Through any point in the plane, there is at most one straight line parallel to a given straight line. This axiom is equivalent to the parallel postulate.