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Let G be group of group order h and D be a set of k elements of G. If the set of differences d_i-d_j contains every nonzero element of G exactly lambda times, then D is a ...
The probability that two elements P_1 and P_2 of a symmetric group generate the entire group tends to 3/4 as n->infty (Netto 1964, p. 90). The conjecture was proven by Dixon ...
The Burnside problem originated with Burnside (1902), who wrote, "A still undecided point in the theory of discontinuous groups is whether the group order of a group may be ...
A generalization of the Kronecker decomposition theorem which states that every finitely generated Abelian group is isomorphic to the group direct sum of a finite number of ...
If F is a group, then the extensions G of F of order o with G/phi(G)=F, where phi(G) is the Frattini subgroup, are called Frattini extensions.
An invariant series of a group G is a normal series I=A_0<|A_1<|...<|A_r=G such that each A_i<|G, where H<|G means that H is a normal subgroup of G.
A normal series of a group G is a finite sequence (A_0,...,A_r) of normal subgroups such that I=A_0<|A_1<|...<|A_r=G.
A group of four elements, also called a quadruplet or tetrad.
An Auslander algebra which connects the representation theories of the symmetric group of permutations and the general linear group GL(n,C). Schur algebras are ...
Every finite Abelian group can be written as a group direct product of cyclic groups of prime power group orders. In fact, the number of nonisomorphic Abelian finite groups ...