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A palindromic prime is a number that is simultaneously palindromic and prime. The first few (base-10) palindromic primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, ...
The n-pan graph is the graph obtained by joining a cycle graph C_n to a singleton graph K_1 with a bridge. The n-pan graph is therefore isomorphic with the (n,1)-tadpole ...
The paw graph is the 3-pan graph, which is also isomorphic to the (3,1)-tadpole graph. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["PawGraph"].
A periodic continued fraction is a continued fraction (generally a regular continued fraction) whose terms eventually repeat from some point onwards. The minimal number of ...
A planar hypohamiltonian graph is a hypohamiltonian graph that is also planar. A number of planar hypohamiltonian graphs are illustrated above. Chvátal (1973) first asked if ...
The polylogarithm Li_n(z), also known as the Jonquière's function, is the function Li_n(z)=sum_(k=1)^infty(z^k)/(k^n) (1) defined in the complex plane over the open unit ...
A primality test is a test to determine whether or not a given number is prime, as opposed to actually decomposing the number into its constituent prime factors (which is ...
Many algorithms have been devised for determining the prime factors of a given number (a process called prime factorization). They vary quite a bit in sophistication and ...
A positive integer n is called a base-b Rhonda number if the product of the base-b digits of n is equal to b times the sum of n's prime factors. These numbers were named by ...
A semiprime, also called a 2-almost prime, biprime (Conway et al. 2008), or pq-number, is a composite number that is the product of two (possibly equal) primes. The first few ...
