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351 - 360 of 914 for Small Dodeca DodecahedronSearch Results

A Latin square is said to be odd if it contains an odd number of rows and columns that are odd permutations. Otherwise, it is said to be even. Let the number of even Latin ...
The harmonic parameter of a polyhedron is the weighted mean of the distances d_i from a fixed interior point to the faces, where the weights are the areas A_i of the faces, ...
The regular icosahedron (often simply called "the" icosahedron) is the regular polyhedron and Platonic solid illustrated above having 12 polyhedron vertices, 30 polyhedron ...
An integer is k-smooth if it has no prime factors >k. The following table gives the first few k-smooth numbers for small k. Berndt (1994, p. 52) called the 7-smooth numbers ...
The Archimedean solids in general have many stellations. Examples of Archimedean solid stellations include the dodecadodecahedron and great icosidodecahedron. The following ...
A digit sum s_b(n) is a sum of the base-b digits of n, which can be implemented in the Wolfram Language as DigitSum[n_, b_:10] := Total[IntegerDigits[n, b]]The following ...
The Nechushtan graph, illustrated above, is a 10-vertex 5-chromatic graph that is unit-distance in 3 dimensions. It was used by Nechushtan (2002) in the construction of of a ...
Applying the stellation process to the icosahedron gives 20+30+60+20+60+120+12+30+60+60 cells of 11 different shapes and sizes (including the icosahedron itself). The ...
A (0,2)-graph is a connected graph such that any two vertices have 0 or 2 common neighbors. (0,2)-graphs are regular, and the numbers of (0,2)-graphs with vertex degree 0, 1, ...
The pentagram, also called the five-point star, pentacle, pentalpha, or pentangle, is the star polygon {5/2}. It is a pagan religious symbol that is one of the oldest symbols ...
