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211 - 220 of 914 for Small Dodeca DodecahedronSearch Results

A method which can be used to solve any quadratic congruence equation. This technique relies on the fact that solving x^2=b (mod p) is equivalent to finding a value y such ...
By the duality principle, for every polyhedron, there exists another polyhedron in which faces and polyhedron vertices occupy complementary locations. This polyhedron is ...
If there is no integer 0<x<p such that x^2=q (mod p), i.e., if the congruence (35) has no solution, then q is said to be a quadratic nonresidue (mod p). If the congruence ...
The set theory symbol aleph_0 refers to a set having the same cardinal number as the "small" infinite set of integers. The symbol aleph_0 is often pronounced "aleph-null" ...
Because even high-resolution computer monitors have a relatively small number of pixels, when graphics or text display distinguish between individual pixels. The result is ...
A class of curve defined at integer values which hops from one value to another. Their name derives from the Greek word betaalphataurhoalphachiiotaomicronnu batrachion, which ...
The bootstrap method is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy to sample estimates (Efron and Tibshirani 1994). This technique allows estimation of the ...
An algorithm which can be used to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge or vertex coloring for a graph. However, the algorithm does minimally color complete ...
The expression im kleinen is German and means "on a small scale." A topological space is connected im kleinen at a point x if every neighborhood U of x contains an open ...
A condition in numerical equation solving which states that, given a space discretization, a time step bigger than some computable quantity should not be taken. The condition ...
