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191 - 200 of 1319 for Sine IntegralSearch Results
If a complex function is analytic at all finite points of the complex plane C, then it is said to be entire, sometimes also called "integral" (Knopp 1996, p. 112). Any ...
Cis(x) is another name for the complex exponential, Cis(x)=e^(ix)=cosx+isinx. (1) It has derivative d/(dz)Cis(z)=ie^(iz) (2) and indefinite integral intCis(z)dz=-ie^(iz). (3)
The Fourier cosine transform of a real function is the real part of the full complex Fourier transform, F_x^((c))[f(x)](k) = R[F_x[f(x)](k)] (1) = ...
F_x[cos(2pik_0x)](k) = int_(-infty)^inftye^(-2piikx)((e^(2piik_0x)+e^(-2piik_0x))/2)dx (1) = 1/2int_(-infty)^infty[e^(-2pii(k-k_0)x)+e^(-2pii(k+k_0)x)]dx (2) = ...
The Mellin transform is the integral transform defined by phi(z) = int_0^inftyt^(z-1)f(t)dt (1) f(t) = 1/(2pii)int_(c-iinfty)^(c+iinfty)t^(-z)phi(z)dz. (2) It is implemented ...
The Hartley Transform is an integral transform which shares some features with the Fourier transform, but which, in the most common convention, multiplies the integral kernel ...
Contour integration is the process of calculating the values of a contour integral around a given contour in the complex plane. As a result of a truly amazing property of ...
The hyperbolic cosecant is defined as cschz=1/(sinhz)=2/(e^z-e^(-z)). (1) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Csch[z]. It is related to the hyperbolic cotangent ...
To find the motion of a rectangular membrane with sides of length L_x and L_y (in the absence of gravity), use the two-dimensional wave equation ...
A triangle center alpha:beta:gamma is called a major triangle center if the triangle center function alpha=f(a,b,c,A,B,C) is a function of angle A alone, and therefore beta ...
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