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1091 - 1100 of 1319 for Sine IntegralSearch Results
Petersen's theorem states that every cubic graph with no bridges has a perfect matching (Petersen 1891; Frink 1926; König 1936; Skiena 1990, p. 244). In fact, this theorem ...
For some authors (e.g., Bourbaki, 1964), the same as principal ideal domain. Most authors, however, do not require the ring to be an integral domain, and define a principal ...
A prolate spheroid is a spheroid that is "pointy" instead of "squashed," i.e., one for which the polar radius c is greater than the equatorial radius a, so c>a (called ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates in which two sets of coordinate surfaces are obtained by revolving the curves of the elliptic cylindrical coordinates about the x-axis, ...
Quasi-Monte Carlo integration is a method of numerical integration that operates in the same way as Monte Carlo integration, but instead uses sequences of quasirandom numbers ...
A quintic nonhamiltonian graph is a quintic graph that is nonhamiltonian. A number of such graphs are illustrated above. Owens (1980) showed that there exists a ...
The reversal of a positive integer abc...z is The reversal of a positive integer n is implemented in the Wolfram Language as IntegerReverse[n]. A positive integer ...
In his famous paper of 1859, Riemann stated that the number N(T) of Riemann zeta function zeros sigma+it with 0<t<=T is asymptotically given by ...
There are a number of functions in various branches of mathematics known as Riemann functions. Examples include the Riemann P-series, Riemann-Siegel functions, Riemann theta ...
For every positive integer n, there exists a circle in the plane having exactly n lattice points on its circumference. The theorem is based on the number r(n) of integral ...
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