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1381 - 1390 of 3395 for Sinc FunctionSearch Results
In machine learning theory and artificial intelligence, a concept c over a domain X is a Boolean function c:X->{0,1}. A collection of concepts is called a concept class. In ...
Given a subset S subset R^n and a point x in S, the contingent cone K_S(x) at x with respect to S is defined to be the set K_S(x)={h:d_S^-(x;h)=0} where d_S^- is the upper ...
A set in Euclidean space R^d is convex set if it contains all the line segments connecting any pair of its points. If the set does not contain all the line segments, it is ...
Let f be a finite real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b]. Then at every point in [a,b] except on a set of Lebesgue measure zero, either: 1. There is a finite ...
Differential entropy differs from normal or absolute entropy in that the random variable need not be discrete. Given a continuous random variable X with a probability density ...
The far-out point F of a triangle DeltaABC is the inverse point of the triangle centroid with respect to the circumcircle of DeltaABC. For a triangle with side lengths a, b, ...
A formal power series, sometimes simply called a "formal series" (Wilf 1994), of a field F is an infinite sequence {a_0,a_1,a_2,...} over F. Equivalently, it is a function ...
For any nonzero lambda in C, either 1. The equation Tv-lambdav=0 has a nonzero solution v, or 2. The equation Tv-lambdav=f has a unique solution v for any function f. In the ...
Let X and Y be Banach spaces and let f:X->Y be a function between them. f is said to be Gâteaux differentiable if there exists an operator T_x:X->Y such that, for all v in X, ...
Let G be a simple connected graph, and take 0<=i<=d(G), where d(G) is the graph diameter. Then G has global parameters c_i (respectively a_i, b_i) if the number of vertices ...
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