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9741 - 9750 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
By analogy with the squircle, a term first apparently used by Fernández Guasti et al. (2005), the term "rectellipse" (used here for the first time) is a natural ...
The term rectification is sometimes used to refer to the determination of the length of a curve. Rectification also refers to the operation which converts the midpoints of ...
An auxiliary latitude which gives a sphere having correct distances along the meridians. It is denoted mu (or omega) and is given by mu=(piM)/(2M_p). (1) M_p is evaluated for ...
A recurrence plot is defined as a plot of the quantity R(t,tau)=H(epsilon-||f(t)-f(tau)||), where H(x) is the Heaviside step function and ||f|| denotes a norm. A recurrence ...
Let a sequence be defined by A_(-1) = s (1) A_0 = 3 (2) A_1 = r (3) A_n = rA_(n-1)-sA_(n-2)+A_(n-3). (4) Also define the associated polynomial f(x)=x^3-rx^2+sx+1, (5) and let ...
A set S of integers is said to be recursive if there is a total recursive function f(x) such that f(x)=1 for x in S and f(x)=0 for x not in S. Any recursive set is also ...
A Redheffer matrix is a square (0,1)-matrix with elements a_(ij) equal to 1 if j=1 or i|j (i divides j), and 0 otherwise. For n=1, 2, ..., the first few Redheffer matrices ...
The binary quadratic form F=<a,b,c> is said to be reduced if the following conditions hold. Let D=b^2-4ac be the discriminant, then 1. If D is negative, F is reduced if ...
The quotient space K^__1A=K_1A/{0,[-1]} of the Whitehead group K_1A is known as the reduced Whitehead group. Here, the element [-1] in K_1A denotes the order-2 element ...
A crossing in a knot diagram for which there exists a circle in the projection plane meeting the diagram transversely at that crossing, but not meeting the diagram at any ...
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