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Gauss's continued fraction is given by the continued fraction ...
Let p>3 be a prime number, then 4(x^p-y^p)/(x-y)=R^2(x,y)-(-1)^((p-1)/2)pS^2(x,y), where R(x,y) and S(x,y) are homogeneous polynomials in x and y with integer coefficients. ...
At rational arguments p/q, the digamma function psi_0(p/q) is given by psi_0(p/q)=-gamma-ln(2q)-1/2picot(p/qpi) +2sum_(k=1)^([q/2]-1)cos((2pipk)/q)ln[sin((pik)/q)] (1) for ...
Let a spherical triangle have sides a, b, and c with A, B, and C the corresponding opposite angles. Then (sin[1/2(a-b)])/(sin(1/2c)) = (sin[1/2(A-B)])/(cos(1/2C)) (1) ...
Gauss's forward formula is f_p=f_0+pdelta_(1/2)+G_2delta_0^2+G_3delta_(1/2)^3+G_4delta_0^4+G_5delta_(1/2)^5+..., (1) for p in [0,1], where delta is the central difference and ...
_2F_1(a,b;c;1)=((c-b)_(-a))/((c)_(-a))=(Gamma(c)Gamma(c-a-b))/(Gamma(c-a)Gamma(c-b)) for R[c-a-b]>0, where _2F_1(a,b;c;x) is a (Gauss) hypergeometric function. If a is a ...
Let the multiples m, 2m, ..., [(p-1)/2]m of an integer such that pm be taken. If there are an even number r of least positive residues mod p of these numbers >p/2, then m is ...
If u_n>0 and given B(n) a bounded function of n as n->infty, express the ratio of successive terms as |(u_n)/(u_(n+1))|=1+h/n+(B(n))/(n^r) for r>1. The series converges for ...
Gauss's theorema egregium states that the Gaussian curvature of a surface embedded in three-space may be understood intrinsically to that surface. "Residents" of the surface ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (1-x^2)y^('')-2(mu+1)xy^'+(nu-mu)(nu+mu+1)y=0 (1) sometimes called the hyperspherical differential equation (Iyanaga and ...
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