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A graph G is k-factorable if it is the union of disjoint k-factors (Skiena 1990, p. 244).
A k-partite graph is a graph whose graph vertices can be partitioned into k disjoint sets so that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent.
A square which can be dissected into a number of smaller squares with no two equal is called a perfect square dissection (or a squared square). Square dissections in which ...
An alkane graph is a tree in which vertices correspond to atoms and edges to carbon-carbon or hydrogen-carbon bonds in a chemical alkane. In chemistry, an alkane is an ...
An automorphic graph is a distance-transitive graph Gamma for which the automorphism group Aut(Gamma) acts primitively on the vertices of Gamma and is not a complete graph or ...
A bishop graph is a graph formed from possible moves of a bishop chess piece, which may make diagonal moves of any length on a chessboard (or any other board). To form the ...
The Dejter graph is a weakly regular graph on 112 vertices and 336 edges with regular paremeters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(112,6,0,(0,1,2)). It can be obtained by deleting a copy of ...
Flower graphs are a name given in this work to the generalization of the flower snarks J_n for positive n=5, 7, 9, ... to all integer n>=5. They are illustrated above for n=5 ...
The Games graph is a strongly regular graph on 729 vertices with parameters (nu,k,lambda,mu)=(729,112,1,20). It is distance-regular but not distance-transitive with ...
A generalized Moore graph is a regular graph of degree r where the counts of vertices at each distance d=0, 1, ... from any vertex are 1, r, r(r-1), r(r-1)^2, r(r-1)^3, ..., ...
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