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The Johnson graph J(n,k) has vertices given by the k-subsets of {1,...,n}, with two vertices connected iff their intersection has size k-1. Special classes are summarized in ...
The Robertson-Wegner graph is of the four (5,5)-cage graphs, also called Robertson's cage (Read and Wilson 1998, p. 273). Like the other (5,5)-cages, the Robertson-Wegner ...
The Robertson graph is the unique (4,5)-cage graph, illustrated above. It has 19 vertices and 38 edges. It has girth 5, diameter 3, chromatic number 3, and is a quartic ...
The small rhombicuboctahedral graph is a quartic graph on 24 nodes and 48 edges that corresponds to the skeleton of the small rhombicuboctahedron. It has graph diameter 5, ...
A block graph, also called a clique tree, is a simple graph in which every block is a complete graph. The numbers of connected block graphs on n=1, 2, ... vertices are 1, 1, ...
The Barnette-Bosák-Lederberg graph is a graph on 38 vertices which is the smallest known example of a planar 3-connected nonhamiltonian graph, i.e., the smallest known ...
The m-book graph is defined as the graph Cartesian product B_m=S_(m+1) square P_2, where S_m is a star graph and P_2 is the path graph on two nodes. The generalization of the ...
The Errera graph is the 17-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's supposed proof ...
The Hamming graph H(d,q), sometimes also denoted q^d, is the graph Cartesian product of d copies of the complete graph K_q. H(d,q) therefore has q^d vertices. H(d,q) has ...
Bouwer graphs, a term coined here for the first time, are a family of regular graphs which includes members that are symmetric but not arc-transitive. Such graphs are termed ...
