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1511 - 1520 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results
A generalization of the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
A statistic defined to improve the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in the tails.
A robust estimation based on linear combinations of order statistics. Examples include the statistical median and the trimean.
The statistical index P_L=(sump_nq_0)/(sump_0q_0), where p_n is the price per unit in period n and q_0 is the quantity produced in the initial period.
A discrete distribution of a random variable such that every possible value can be represented in the form a+bn, where a,b!=0 and n is an integer.
Given a function of the form y=a+blnx, (1) the coefficients can be found from least squares fitting as b = ...
Given a function of the form y=Ax^B, (1) least squares fitting gives the coefficients as b = ...
L=sigma/(sigma_B), where sigma is the variance in a set of s Lexis trials and sigma_B is the variance assuming Bernoulli trials. If L<1, the trials are said to be subnormal, ...
A method for testing nested hypotheses. To apply the procedure, given a specific model, calculate the likelihood of observing the actual data. Then compare this likelihood to ...
Data resulting from the observation of a population on a number of variables over time. Whenever observations are made more than once, the data is considered to be ...
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