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A distribution of error such that the error remaining is always given approximately by the last term dropped.
A normal distribution with mean 0, P(x)=h/(sqrt(pi))e^(-h^2x^2). (1) The characteristic function is phi(t)=e^(-t^2/(4h^2)). (2) The mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis ...
An estimator is a rule that tells how to calculate an estimate based on the measurements contained in a sample. For example, the sample mean x^_ is an estimator for the ...
The bias of an estimator theta^~ is defined as B(theta^~)=<theta^~>-theta. (1) It is therefore true that theta^~-theta = (theta^~-<theta^~>)+(<theta^~>-theta) (2) = ...
The kurtosis excess of a distribution is sometimes called the excess, or excess coefficient. In graph theory, excess refers to the quantity e=n-n_l(v,g) (1) for a v-regular ...
A phrase used by Tukey to describe data points which are outside the outer fences.
Values one step outside the hinges are called inner fences, and values two steps outside the hinges are called outer fences. Tukey calls values outside the outer fences far ...
A distribution which arises in the study of half-integer spin particles in physics, P(k)=(k^s)/(e^(k-mu)+1). (1) Its integral is given by int_0^infty(k^sdk)/(e^(k-mu)+1) = ...
The statistical index P_B=sqrt(P_LP_P), where P_L is Laspeyres' index and P_P is Paasche's index.
Given T an unbiased estimator of theta so that <T>=theta. Then var(T)>=1/(Nint_(-infty)^infty[(partial(lnf))/(partialtheta)]^2fdx), where var is the variance.
