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1321 - 1330 of 13135 for Simple probabilitySearch Results

The distribution of a variable is a description of the relative numbers of times each possible outcome will occur in a number of trials. The function describing the ...
The probability of getting at least one "6" in four rolls of a single 6-sided die is 1-(5/6)^4 approx 0.5177, (1) which is slightly higher than the probability of at least ...
A robust nonparametric test which is an alternative to the paired t-test. This test makes the basic assumption that there is information only in the signs of the differences ...
A number s of trials in which the probability of success p_i varies from trial to trial. Let x be the number of successes, then var(x)=spq-ssigma_p^2, (1) where sigma_p^2 is ...
If proofreader A finds a mistakes and proofreader B finds b mistakes, c of which were also found by A, how many mistakes were missed by both A and B? Assume there are a total ...
Let P(E_i) be the probability that E_i is true, and P( union _(i=1)^nE_i) be the probability that at least one of E_1, E_2, ..., E_n is true. Then "the" Bonferroni ...
n sets of s trials each, with the probability of success p constant in each set. var(x/n)=spq+s(s-1)sigma_p^2, where sigma_p^2 is the variance of p_i.
Samuel Pepys wrote Isaac Newton a long letter asking him to determine the probabilities for a set of dice rolls related to a wager he planned to make. Pepys asked which was ...
Given a random variable X with continuous and strictly monotonic probability density function f(X), a quantile function Q_f assigns to each probability p attained by f the ...
The probability that a statistical test will be positive for a true statistic.
