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961 - 970 of 2058 for Sierpinski Sieve GraphSearch Results
The metric dimension beta(G) (Tillquist et al. 2021) or dim(G) (Tomescu and Javid 2007, Ali et al. 2016) of a graph G is the smallest number of nodes required to identify all ...
An edge automorphism of a graph G is a permutation of the edges of G that sends edges with common endpoint into edges with a common endpoint. The set of all edge ...
The group of functions from an object G to itself which preserve the structure of the object, denoted Aut(G). The automorphism group of a group preserves the multiplication ...
Suppose that G is a pseudograph, E is the edge set of G, and C is the family of edge sets of graph cycles of G. Then C obeys the axioms for the circuits of a matroid, and ...
If the Tutte polynomial T(x,y) of a graph G is given by sumt_(rs)x^ry^s, then the matrix (t_(rs)) is called the rank matrix of G. For example, the Tutte matrix of the ...
A perfect matching of a graph is a matching (i.e., an independent edge set) in which every vertex of the graph is incident to exactly one edge of the matching. A perfect ...
The set E of edges of a loopless graph (V,E), being a set of unordered pairs of elements of V, constitutes an adjacency relation on V. Formally, an adjacency relation is any ...
An algorithm for finding a graph's spanning tree of minimum length. It sorts the edges of a graph in order of increasing cost and then repeatedly adds edges that bridge ...
A pseudoforest is an undirected graph in which every connected component contains at most one graph cycle. A pseudotree is therefore a connected pseudoforest and a forest ...
The (upper) matching number nu(G) of graph G, sometimes known as the edge independence number, is the size of a maximum independent edge set. Equivalently, it is the degree ...
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