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61 - 70 of 2058 for Sierpinski Sieve GraphSearch Results
The cuboctahedral graph is an Archimedean quartic symmetric graph on 12 nodes and 24 edges that is the skeleton of the cuboctahedron, as well as the uniform ...
The net graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["NetGraph"]. The bipartite double graph of the net graph is ...
The number of nodes in a graph is called its order.
The dart graph is the 5-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["DartGraph"].
The moth graph is the 6-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["MothGraph"].
The domino graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is isomorphic to the 3-ladder graph and the (2,3)-grid graph. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Doob graph D(m,n) is the graph given by the graph Cartesian product of m>=1 copies of the Shrikhande graph with a Hamming graph H(n,4). Doob graphs are distance-regular ...
A graph with a finite number of nodes and edges. If it has n nodes and has no multiple edges or graph loops (i.e., it is simple), it is a subgraph of the complete graph K_n. ...
The fork graph, sometimes also called the chair graph, is the 5-vertex tree illustrated above. It could perhaps also be known as the 'h graph' (but not to be confused with ...
The paw graph is the 3-pan graph, which is also isomorphic to the (3,1)-tadpole graph. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["PawGraph"].