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Let V(G) be the vertex set of a simple graph and E(G) its edge set. Then a graph isomorphism from a simple graph G to a simple graph H is a bijection f:V(G)->V(H) such that ...
A triple (a,b,c) of positive integers satisfying a<b<c is said to be harmonic if 1/a+1/c=2/b. In particular, such a triple is harmonic if the reciprocals of its terms form an ...
A representation of a Lie algebra g is a linear transformation psi:g->M(V), where M(V) is the set of all linear transformations of a vector space V. In particular, if V=R^n, ...
A nonnegative function g(x,y) describing the "distance" between neighboring points for a given set. A metric satisfies the triangle inequality g(x,y)+g(y,z)>=g(x,z) (1) and ...
Given any set B, the associated pair groupoid is the set B×B with the maps alpha(a,b)=a and beta(a,b)=b, and multiplication (a,b)·(b,c)=(a,c). The inverse is ...
A chart made by plotting the numeric values of a set of quantities as a set of adjacent circular wedges with arc lengths proportional to the total amount. All wedges taken ...
A strict order > on the set of terms of a term rewriting system is called a reduction order if 1. The set of terms is well ordered with respect to >, that is, all its ...
Resolution is a widely used word with many different meanings. It can refer to resolution of equations, resolution of singularities (in algebraic geometry), resolution of ...
The ring of integers is the set of integers ..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ..., which form a ring. This ring is commonly denoted Z (doublestruck Z), or sometimes I (doublestruck I). ...
A sheaf is a presheaf with "something" added allowing us to define things locally. This task is forbidden for presheaves in general. Specifically, a presheaf F on a ...
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