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171 - 180 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results
For a set partition of n elements, the n-character string a_1a_2...a_n in which each character gives the set block (B_0, B_1, ...) in which the corresponding element belongs ...
A balanced incomplete block design (B,V) is called resolvable if there exists a partition R of its set of blocks B into parallel classes, each of which in turn partitions the ...
A set class which is not a set.
The maximum number of disjoint dominating sets in a domatic partition of a graph G is called its domatic number d(G). The domatic number should not be confused with the ...
Definitions about a set which depend on the entire set.
Let F(n) be a family of partitions of n and let F(n,d) denote the set of partitions in F(n) with Durfee square of size d. The Durfee polynomial of F(n) is then defined as the ...
For a subgroup H of a group G and an element x of G, define xH to be the set {xh:h in H} and Hx to be the set {hx:h in H}. A subset of G of the form xH for some x in G is ...
A set considered together with the sigma-algebra on the set.
Let L denote the partition lattice of the set {1,2,...,n}. The maximum element of L is M={{1,2,...,n}} (1) and the minimum element is m={{1},{2},...,{n}}. (2) Let Z_n denote ...
A set partition of the rational numbers into two nonempty subsets S_1 and S_2 such that all members of S_1 are less than those of S_2 and such that S_1 has no greatest ...
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