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1631 - 1640 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results
A Reeb component is a Reeb foliation (M,F) whose leaves are proper. A foliation which has no Reeb components is said to be Reebless.
Given any two distinct points x,y, there exist neighborhoods u and v of x and y, respectively, with u intersection v=emptyset. It then follows that finite subsets are closed.
One of Cantor's ordinal numbers omega, omega+1, omega+2, ..., omega+omega, omega+omega+1, ... which is "larger" than any whole number.
Dynamical Systems
The map H_n(X,A)->H_(n-1)(A) appearing in the long exact sequence of a pair axiom.
A topological space.
A field of extremals is a plane region which is simply connected by a one-parameter family of extremals. The concept was invented by Weierstrass.
A property of a space which is also true of each of its subspaces. Being "first-countable" is hereditary, but having a given genus is not.
alpha is called a predecessor if there is no ordinal number beta such that beta+1=alpha.
A reflexive relation.
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