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1411 - 1420 of 2474 for Set PartitionSearch Results
A Kirkman triple system of order v=6n+3 is a Steiner triple system with parallelism (Ball and Coxeter 1987), i.e., one with the following additional stipulation: the set of ...
Kloosterman's sum is defined by S(u,v,n)=sum_(h)exp[(2pii(uh+vh^_))/n], (1) where h runs through a complete set of residues relatively prime to n and h^_ is defined by hh^_=1 ...
There are two distinct entities both known as the Lagrange number. The more common one arises in rational approximation theory (Conway and Guy 1996), while the other refers ...
Consider a line segment of length 1, and pick a point x at random between [0,1]. This point x divides the line into line segments of length x and 1-x. If a set of points are ...
The Lotka-Volterra equations describe an ecological predator-prey (or parasite-host) model which assumes that, for a set of fixed positive constants A (the growth rate of ...
The middle layer graph of order n is the graph whose vertex set consists of all bitstrings of length 2n+1 that have exactly n or n+1 entries equal to 1, with an edge between ...
The minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph is a set of edges of minimum total weight which form a spanning tree of the graph. When a graph is unweighted, any spanning tree ...
A permutation problem invented by Cayley. Let the numbers 1, 2, ..., n be written on a set of cards, and shuffle this deck of cards. Now, start counting using the top card. ...
A set n distinct numbers taken from the interval [1,n^2] form a magic series if their sum is the nth magic constant M_n=1/2n(n^2+1) (Kraitchik 1942, p. 143). If the sum of ...
A multiple integral is a set of integrals taken over n>1 variables, e.g., int...int_()_(n)f(x_1,...,x_n)dx_1...dx_n. An nth-order integral corresponds, in general, to an ...
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