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591 - 600 of 2717 for Sequences and seriesSearch Results
The Jacobian group of a one-dimensional linear series is given by intersections of the base curve with the Jacobian curve of itself and two curves cutting the series.
The conjecture that the Artin L-function of any n-dimensional complex representation of the Galois group of a finite extension of the rational numbers Q is an Artin ...
The logarithmic distribution is a continuous distribution for a variate X in [a,b] with probability function P(x)=(lnx)/(b(lnb-1)-a(lna-1)) (1) and distribution function ...
Let the least term h of a sequence be a term which is smaller than all but a finite number of the terms which are equal to h. Then h is called the lower limit of the ...
Given a marked point process Phi of the form Phi=(T,Y)=((T_n)_(n>=1),(Y_n)_(n>=1)), the space Y=(Y_n)_(n>=1) is said to be the mark space of Phi.
Let G be a group with normal series (A_0, A_1, ..., A_r). A normal factor of G is a quotient group A_(k+1)/A_k for some index k<r. G is a solvable group iff all normal ...
If a function f has a pole at z_0, then the negative power part sum_(j=-k)^(-1)a_j(z-z_0)^j (1) of the Laurent series of f about z_0 sum_(j=-k)^inftya_j(z-z_0)^j (2) is ...
If a fixed point is added to each group of a special complete series, then the resulting series is complete.
Let P=a_1x+a_2x^2+... be an almost unit in the integral domain of formal power series (with a_1!=0) and define P^k=sum_(n=k)^inftya_n^((k))x^n (1) for k=+/-1, +/-2, .... If ...
A moving average may generate an irregular oscillation even if none exists in the original data.
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