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2511 - 2520 of 3891 for Second Order Ordinary Differential Equat...Search Results
A surface given by the parametric equations x(u,v) = u (1) y(u,v) = v (2) z(u,v) = au^4+u^2v-v^2. (3)
A line of constant longitude on a spheroid (or sphere). More generally, a meridian of a surface of revolution is the intersection of the surface with a plane containing the ...
Two real algebraic manifolds are equivalent iff they are analytically homeomorphic (Nash 1952).
A ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vg(u) is called noncylindrical if gxg^' is nowhere 0. A noncylindrical ruled surface always has a parameterization of the form ...
The norm topology on a normed space X=(X,||·||_X) is the topology tau consisting of all sets which can be written as a (possibly empty) union of sets of the form B_r(x)={y in ...
Let M subset R^3 be a regular surface and u_(p) a unit tangent vector to M, and let Pi(u_(p),N(p)) be the plane determined by u_(p) and the normal to the surface N(p). Then ...
A broad area of mathematics connected with functional analysis, differential equations, index theory, representation theory, and mathematical physics.
A regular surface M subset R^n is called orientable if each tangent space M_p has a complex structure J_p:M_p->M_p such that p->J_p is a continuous function.
In a space E equipped with a symmetric, differential k-form, or Hermitian form, the orthogonal sum is the direct sum of two subspaces V and W, which are mutually orthogonal. ...
The polynomial giving the number of colorings with m colors of a structure defined by a permutation group.
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