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Given a differential operator D on the space of differential forms, an eigenform is a form alpha such that Dalpha=lambdaalpha (1) for some constant lambda. For example, on ...
Informally, an elliptic curve is a type of cubic curve whose solutions are confined to a region of space that is topologically equivalent to a torus. The Weierstrass elliptic ...
The elongated dodecahedron, also known as the extended rhombic dodecahedron and rhombo-hexagonal dodecahedron, is a space-filling polyhedron and primary parallelohedron ...
The equilateral elongated square dipyramid, illustrated above together with its net, is Johnson solid J_(15). A version of the elongated square dipyramid that is "squashed" ...
The Engel polyhedra are two 38-faced plesiohedra (and hence space-filling) discovered by Engel (Engel 1981; Engel 1986, p. 220; Grünbaum and Shephard 1980; Senechal 1990, ...
Two metrics g_1 and g_2 defined on a space X are called equivalent if they induce the same metric topology on X. This is the case iff, for every point x_0 of X, every ball ...
An error-correcting code is an algorithm for expressing a sequence of numbers such that any errors which are introduced can be detected and corrected (within certain ...
"Escher's solid" is the solid illustrated on the right pedestal in M. C. Escher's Waterfall woodcut (Bool et al. 1982, p. 323). It is obtained by augmenting a rhombic ...
The essential supremum is the proper generalization to measurable functions of the maximum. The technical difference is that the values of a function on a set of measure zero ...
The term Euclidean refers to everything that can historically or logically be referred to Euclid's monumental treatise The Thirteen Books of the Elements, written around the ...
