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A cross-handle is a topological structure which can be thought of as the object produced by puncturing a surface twice, attaching a zip around each puncture travelling in the ...
The average number of regions into which n randomly chosen planes divide a cube is N^_(n)=1/(324)(2n+23)n(n-1)pi+n+1 (Finch 2003, p. 482). The maximum number of regions is ...
A cubic lattice is a lattice whose points lie at positions (x,y,z) in the Cartesian three-space, where x, y, and z are integers. The term is also used to refer to a regular ...
A special case of Stokes' theorem in which F is a vector field and M is an oriented, compact embedded 2-manifold with boundary in R^3, and a generalization of Green's theorem ...
The maximum number of pieces into which a cylinder can be divided by n oblique cuts is given by f(n) = (n+1; 3)+n+1 (1) = 1/6(n+1)(n^2-n+6) (2) = 1/6(n^3+5n+6), (3) where (a; ...
A set A in a first-countable space is dense in B if B=A union L, where L is the set of limit points of A. For example, the rational numbers are dense in the reals. In ...
Let Delta_1, Delta_2, and Delta_3 be tetrahedra in projective three-space P^3. Then the tetrahedra are said to be desmically related if there exist constants alpha, beta, and ...
The quantum electrodynamical law which applies to spin-1/2 particles and is the relativistic generalization of the Schrödinger equation. In 3+1 dimensions (three space ...
A disk algebra is an algebra of functions which are analytic on the open unit disk in C and continuous up to the boundary. A representative measure for a point x in the ...
The divergence theorem, more commonly known especially in older literature as Gauss's theorem (e.g., Arfken 1985) and also known as the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, is a ...
