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The ith Pontryagin class of a vector bundle is (-1)^i times the ith Chern class of the complexification of the vector bundle. It is also in the 4ith cohomology group of the ...
A positive measure is a measure which is a function from the measurable sets of a measure space to the nonnegative real numbers. Sometimes, this is what is meant by measure, ...
A regular local ring is a local ring R with maximal ideal m so that m can be generated with exactly d elements where d is the Krull dimension of the ring R. Equivalently, R ...
Find an analytic parameterization of the compact Riemann surfaces in a fixed homeomorphism class. The Ahlfors-Bers theorem proved that Riemann's moduli space gives the ...
A rotation group is a group in which the elements are orthogonal matrices with determinant 1. In the case of three-dimensional space, the rotation group is known as the ...
The rotation operator can be derived from examining an infinitesimal rotation (d/(dt))_(space)=(d/(dt))_(body)+omegax, where d/dt is the time derivative, omega is the angular ...
If pi on V and pi^' on V^' are irreducible representations and E:V|->V^' is a linear map such that pi^'(g)E=Epi(g) for all g in and group G, then E=0 or E is invertible. ...
Given a subalgebra A of the algebra B(H) of bounded linear transformations from a Hilbert space H onto itself, the vector v in H is a separating vector for A if the only ...
A simple path is a path which is a simple curve. More precisely, a continuous mapping gamma:[a,b]->C^0 is a simple path if it has no self-intersections. Here, C^0 denotes the ...
A space curve consisting of a spiral wound around a helix. It has parametric equations x = [R+acos(omegat)]cost (1) y = [R+acos(omegat)]sint (2) z = ht+asin(omegat). (3)
