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271 - 280 of 1199 for Sampling and Sample spacesSearch Results
The objective of global optimization is to find the globally best solution of (possibly nonlinear) models, in the (possible or known) presence of multiple local optima. ...
Let V be a vector space over a field K, and let A be a nonempty set. For an appropriately defined affine space A, K is called the coefficient field.
A complete metric is a metric in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent. A topological space with a complete metric is called a complete metric space.
The vectors +/-a_1, ..., +/-a_n in a three-space form a normalized eutactic star iff Tx=x for all x in the three-space.
Given a marked point process Phi of the form Phi=(T,Y)=((T_n)_(n>=1),(Y_n)_(n>=1)), the space Y=(Y_n)_(n>=1) is said to be the mark space of Phi.
Riemann's moduli space R_p is the space of analytic equivalence classes of Riemann surfaces of fixed genus p.
The space |K| which is the subset of R^n that is the union of the simplices in a simplicial complex K. The term polytope is sometimes used as a synonym for underlying space ...
Given a topological vector space X and a neighborhood V of 0 in X, the polar K=K(V) of V is defined to be the set K(V)={Lambda in X^*:|Lambdax|<=1 for every x in V} and where ...
There appear to be two different definitions of the standard error. The standard error of a sample of sample size n is the sample's standard deviation divided by sqrt(n). It ...
Kontsevich's integral is a far-reaching generalization of the Gauss integral for the linking number, and provides a tool to construct the universal Vassiliev invariant of a ...
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