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The gonality (also called divisorial gonality) gon(G) of a (finite) graph G is the minimum degree of a rank 1 divisor on that graph. It can be thought of as the minimum ...
Any real function u(x,y) with continuous second partial derivatives which satisfies Laplace's equation, del ^2u(x,y)=0, (1) is called a harmonic function. Harmonic functions ...
The first example discovered of a map from a higher-dimensional sphere to a lower-dimensional sphere which is not null-homotopic. Its discovery was a shock to the ...
Let n be an integer variable which tends to infinity and let x be a continuous variable tending to some limit. Also, let phi(n) or phi(x) be a positive function and f(n) or ...
Cubic lattice sums include the following: b_2(2s) = sum^'_(i,j=-infty)^infty((-1)^(i+j))/((i^2+j^2)^s) (1) b_3(2s) = ...
Legendre's constant is the number 1.08366 in Legendre's guess at the prime number theorem pi(n)=n/(lnn-A(n)) with lim_(n->infty)A(n) approx 1.08366. Legendre first published ...
A short theorem used in proving a larger theorem. Related concepts are the axiom, porism, postulate, principle, and theorem. The late mathematician P. Erdős has often been ...
A generalization of calculus of variations which draws the relationship between the stationary points of a smooth real-valued function on a manifold and the global topology ...
A perfect power is a number n of the form m^k, where m>1 is a positive integer and k>=2. If the prime factorization of n is n=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)...p_k^(a_k), then n is a ...
Let x:U->R^3 be a regular patch, where U is an open subset of R^2. Then (partiale)/(partialv)-(partialf)/(partialu) = eGamma_(12)^1+f(Gamma_(12)^2-Gamma_(11)^1)-gGamma_(11)^2 ...
