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Every modular system has a modular system basis consisting of a finite number of polynomials. Stated another way, for every order n there exists a nonsingular curve with the ...
A formula for the number of Young tableaux associated with a given Ferrers diagram. In each box, write the sum of one plus the number of boxes horizontally to the right and ...
Elementary methods consist of arithmetic, geometry, and high school algebra. These are the only tools that may be used in the branch of number theory known as elementary ...
The Fermat number F_n is prime iff 3^(2^(2^n-1))=-1 (mod F_n).
Subtraction is the operation of taking the difference d=x-y of two numbers x and y. Here, x is called the minuend, y is called the subtrahend, and the symbol between the x ...
A Brauer chain is an addition chain in which each member uses the previous member as an addend. A number n for which a shortest chain exists which is a Brauer chain is called ...
A multiple of a number x is any quantity y=nx with n an integer. If x and y are integers, then x is called a factor of y. The smallest positive number m for which there exist ...
A test which always identifies prime numbers correctly, but may incorrectly identify a composite number as a prime.
One of the Plücker characteristics, defined by p=1/2(n-1)(n-2)-(delta+kappa)=1/2(m-1)(m-2)-(tau+iota), where m is the class, n the order, delta the number of nodes, kappa the ...
The first quadratic nonresidue mod p of a number is always less than 3(lnp)^2/2 (Wedeniwski 2001).
