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The nearest integer function, also called nint or the round function, is defined such that nint(x) is the integer closest to x. While the notation |_x] is sometimes used to ...
A general plane quartic curve is a curve of the form (1) Examples include the ampersand curve, bean curve, bicorn, bicuspid curve, bifoliate, bifolium, bitangent-rich curve, ...
Let G be a graph, and suppose each edge of G is independently deleted with fixed probability 0<=p<=1. Then the probability that no connected component of G is disconnected as ...
The Riemann tensor (Schutz 1985) R^alpha_(betagammadelta), also known the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor (Weinberg 1972, p. 133; Arfken 1985, p. 123) or Riemann ...
The rook is a chess piece that may move any number of spaces either horizontally or vertically per move. The maximum number of nonattacking rooks that may be placed on an n×n ...
The score sequence of a tournament is a monotonic nondecreasing sequence of the outdegrees of the graph vertices of the corresponding tournament graph. Elements of a score ...
The Somos sequences are a set of related symmetrical recurrence relations which, surprisingly, always give integers. The Somos sequence of order k, or Somos-k sequence, is ...
While the Catalan numbers are the number of p-good paths from (n,n) to (0,0) which do not cross the diagonal line, the super Catalan numbers count the number of lattice paths ...
The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method and symmetric LQ ...
Angle addition formulas express trigonometric functions of sums of angles alpha+/-beta in terms of functions of alpha and beta. The fundamental formulas of angle addition in ...
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