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621 - 630 of 3930 for Regularized Beta FunctionSearch Results
A topological groupoid over B is a groupoid G such that B and G are topological spaces and alpha,beta, and multiplication are continuous maps. Here, alpha and beta are maps ...
The wedge product is the product in an exterior algebra. If alpha and beta are differential k-forms of degrees p and q, respectively, then alpha ^ beta=(-1)^(pq)beta ^ alpha. ...
The Werner formulas are the trigonometric product formulas 2sinalphacosbeta = sin(alpha-beta)+sin(alpha+beta) (1) 2cosalphacosbeta = cos(alpha-beta)+cos(alpha+beta) (2) ...
For any real alpha and beta such that beta>alpha, let p(alpha)!=0 and p(beta)!=0 be real polynomials of degree n, and v(x) denote the number of sign changes in the sequence ...
A pyramid is a polyhedron with one face (known as the "base") a polygon and all the other faces triangles meeting at a common polygon vertex (known as the "apex"). A right ...
A demiregular tessellation, also called a polymorph tessellation, is a type of tessellation whose definition is somewhat problematical. Some authors define them as orderly ...
A connected graph G is distance-regular if for any vertices x and y of G and any integers i,j=0, 1, ...d (where d is the graph diameter), the number of vertices at distance i ...
A function f is Carathéodory differentiable at a if there exists a function phi which is continuous at a such that f(x)-f(a)=phi(x)(x-a). Every function which is Carathéodory ...
A minimal free resolution of a finitely generated graded module M over a commutative Noetherian Z-graded ring R in which all maps are homogeneous module homomorphisms, i.e., ...
Let n be a positive number having primitive roots. If g is a primitive root of n, then the numbers 1, g, g^2, ..., g^(phi(n)-1) form a reduced residue system modulo n, where ...
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