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A regular polygon is an n-sided polygon in which the sides are all the same length and are symmetrically placed about a common center (i.e., the polygon is both equiangular ...
The regular nonagon is the regular polygon with nine sides and Schläfli symbol {9}. The regular nonagon cannot be constructed using the classical Greek rules of geometric ...
A parameterization of a surface x(u,v) in u and v is regular if the tangent vectors (partialx)/(partialu) and (partialx)/(partialv) are always linearly independent.
The regular octagon is the regular polygon with eight sides, as illustrated above. The inradius r, circumradius R, and area A of the regular octagon can be computed directly ...
The regular decagon is constructible 10-sided regular polygon with Schläfli symbol {10}. The inradius r, circumradius R, and area can be computed directly from the formulas ...
A triangle center is regular iff there is a triangle center function which is a polynomial in Delta, a, b, and c (where Delta is the area of the triangle) such that the ...
The necessary condition for the polychoron to be regular (with Schläfli symbol {p,q,r}) and finite is cos(pi/q)<sin(pi/p)sin(pi/r). Sufficiency can be established by ...
Let there be two particularly well-behaved functions F(x) and p_tau(x). If the limit lim_(tau->0)int_(-infty)^inftyp_tau(x)F(x)dx exists, then p_tau(x) is a regular sequence ...
The equivalence of manifolds under continuous deformation within the embedding space. Knots of opposite chirality have ambient isotopy, but not regular isotopy.
A regular number, also called a finite decimal (Havil 2003, p. 25), is a positive number that has a finite decimal expansion. A number such as 1/3=0.33333... which is not ...