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The Euler-Gergonne-Soddy circle, a term coined here for the first time, is the circumcircle of the Euler-Gergonne-Soddy triangle. Since the Euler-Gergonne-Soddy triangle is a ...
Let M be a regular surface with v_(p),w_(p) points in the tangent space M_(p) of M. Then the first fundamental form is the inner product of tangent vectors, ...
The Fuhrmann center Fu is the center of the Fuhrmann circle, given by the midpoint of the line joining the Nagel point and orthocenter (which forms a diameter of the Fuhrmann ...
The inner Soddy center (or inner Soddy point) is the center of the inner Soddy circle. It is equivalent to the equal detour point X_(175) (Kimberling 1994) and has equivalent ...
The latitude of a point on a sphere is the elevation of the point from the plane of the equator. The latitude delta is related to the colatitude (the polar angle in spherical ...
A path composed of connected horizontal and vertical line segments, each passing between adjacent lattice points. A lattice path is therefore a sequence of points P_0, P_1, ...
Generalizing from a straight line (i.e., first degree polynomial) to a kth degree polynomial y=a_0+a_1x+...+a_kx^k, (1) the residual is given by ...
The Lebesgue measure is an extension of the classical notions of length and area to more complicated sets. Given an open set S=sum_(k)(a_k,b_k) containing disjoint intervals, ...
The Lemoine ellipse is an inconic (that is always an ellipse) that has inconic parameters x:y:z=(2(b^2+c^2)-a^2)/(bc):(2(a^2+c^2)-b^2)/(ac): (2(a^2+b^2)-c^2)/(ab). (1) The ...
Consider a game where everyone in a classroom picks a number between 0 and 100. The person closest to half the average wins. Obviously, picking a number over 50 would be ...
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