
Search Results for "Range"

141 - 150 of 460 for RangeSearch Results
A method to obtain a signal C_l(z) with a flat spectrum c(theta;z) (such as a pulse), but having a smaller amplitude than the pulse. ...
The Rabinovich-Fabrikant equation is the set of coupled linear ordinary differential equations given by x^. = y(z-1+x^2)+gammax (1) y^. = x(3z+1-x^2)+gammay (2) z^. = ...
"The rationals" refers to the set of rational numbers and is commonly denoted Q.
A function whose range is in the real numbers is said to be a real function, also called a real-valued function.
Specifying two sides and the angle between them uniquely (up to geometric congruence) determines a triangle. Let c be the base length and h be the height. Then the area is ...
Let P=a_1x+a_2x^2+... be an almost unit in the integral domain of formal power series (with a_1!=0) and define P^k=sum_(n=k)^inftya_n^((k))x^n (1) for k=+/-1, +/-2, .... If ...
A shuffle-exchange graph is a nonsimple graph (due to the existence of graph loops) whose vertices are length n binary strings with an edge from w to w^' if 1. w^' differs ...
A curve is simple if it does not cross itself.
The set St^_v-Stv, where St^_v is a closed star and Stv is a star, is called the link of v in a simplicial complex K and is denoted Lkv (Munkres 1993, p. 11).
The number of operations needed to effect a geometric construction as determined in geometrography. If the number of operations of the five geometrographic types are denoted ...
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