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The uniform polyhedra are polyhedra consisting of regular (possibly polygrammic) faces of equal edge length whose polyhedron vertices are all symmetrically equivalent. The ...
A Halin graph, sometimes known as a roofless polyhedron, is a polyhedral graph constructed from a planar embedding of a tree having four or more vertices, no vertices of ...
The incidence matrix of a graph gives the (0,1)-matrix which has a row for each vertex and column for each edge, and (v,e)=1 iff vertex v is incident upon edge e (Skiena ...
The Königsberg bridge problem asks if the seven bridges of the city of Königsberg (left figure; Kraitchik 1942), formerly in Germany but now known as Kaliningrad and part of ...
An Ore graph is a graph that satisfies Ore's theorem, i.e., a graph G for which the sums of the degrees of nonadjacent vertices is greater than or equal to the number of ...
There are several related theorems involving Hamiltonian cycles of graphs that are associated with Pósa. Let G be a simple graph with n graph vertices. 1. If, for every k in ...
The Remez algorithm (Remez 1934), also called the Remez exchange algorithm, is an application of the Chebyshev alternation theorem that constructs the polynomial of best ...
Tutte (1971/72) conjectured that there are no 3-connected nonhamiltonian bicubic graphs. However, a counterexample was found by J. D. Horton in 1976 (Gropp 1990), and several ...
The game of billiards is played on a rectangular table (known as a billiard table) upon which balls are placed. One ball (the "cue ball") is then struck with the end of a ...
A bicubic nonhamiltonian graph is a bicubic (i.e., bipartite cubic graph) that is nonhamiltonian (i.e., that does not possess a Hamiltonian cycle). Tutte (1971) conjectured ...
