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A number puzzle in which a group of arithmetical operations has some or all of its digits replaced by letters or symbols, and where the original digits must be found. In such ...
The Dürer graph is the skeleton of Dürer's solid, which is the generalized Petersen graph GP(6,2). It is illustrated above in a number of embeddings. It is implemented in the ...
The edge multiplicity of a given end vertex in a multigraph is the number of multiple edges sharing that end vertex. The maximum edge multiplicity in such a graph is known as ...
A finite geometry is a geometry with a finite number of points. When confined to a plane, all finite geometries are either projective plane geometries (with no parallel ...
At least one power series solution will be obtained when applying the Frobenius method if the expansion point is an ordinary, or regular, singular point. The number of roots ...
A tessellation which can be thought of consisting of a number of pieces which are hinged at their vertices and therefore can be opened or closed to yield a series of ...
The following three pieces of information completely determine the homeomorphic type of a surface (Massey 1996): 1. Orientability, 2. Number of boundary components, 3. Euler ...
The multiplicative subgroup of all elements in the product of the multiplicative groups k_nu^× whose absolute value is 1 at all but finitely many nu, where k is a number ...
A negative matrix is a real or integer matrix (a)_(ij) for which each matrix element is a negative number, i.e., a_(ij)<0 for all i, j. Negative matrices are therefore a ...
The norm topology on a normed space X=(X,||·||_X) is the topology tau consisting of all sets which can be written as a (possibly empty) union of sets of the form B_r(x)={y in ...
