
Search Results for "Pronic Number"

1181 - 1190 of 13135 for Pronic NumberSearch Results
The nth Ramanujan prime is the smallest number R_n such that pi(x)-pi(x/2)>=n for all x>=R_n, where pi(x) is the prime counting function. In other words, there are at least n ...
A walk is a sequence v_0, e_1, v_1, ..., v_k of graph vertices v_i and graph edges e_i such that for 1<=i<=k, the edge e_i has endpoints v_(i-1) and v_i (West 2000, p. 20). ...
A weakly perfect graph is a graph for which omega(G)=chi(G) (without any requirement that this condition also hold on induced subgraphs, which is required for a graph to be ...
Smarandache sequences are any of a number of simply generated integer sequences resembling those considered in published works by Smarandache such as the consecutive number ...
A sum of the digits in a given transmission modulo some number. The simplest form of checksum is a parity bit appended on to 7-bit numbers (e.g., ASCII characters) such that ...
A formula satisfied by all Hamiltonian cycles with n nodes. Let f_j be the number of regions inside the circuit with j sides, and let g_j be the number of regions outside the ...
A pair of dice which have the same odds for throwing every number as a normal pair of 6-sided dice. They are the only such alternate arrangement if face values are required ...
The number of operations needed to effect a geometric construction as determined in geometrography. If the number of operations of the five geometrographic types are denoted ...
Given an arithmetic progression of terms an+b, for n=1, 2, ..., the series contains an infinite number of primes if a and b are relatively prime, i.e., (a,b)=1. This result ...
Goldbach's original conjecture (sometimes called the "ternary" Goldbach conjecture), written in a June 7, 1742 letter to Euler, states "at least it seems that every number ...
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