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The partial differential equation u_t+u_(xxxxx)+30uu_(xxx)+30u_xu_(xx)+180u^2u_x=0.
A multiway system that generates causal networks which are all isomorphic as acyclic digraphs is said to exhibit causal invariance, and the causal network itself is also said ...
A causal network is an acyclic digraph arising from an evolution of a substitution system, and representing its history. The illustration above shows a causal network ...
The curve which is the envelope of reflected (catacaustic) or refracted (diacaustic) rays of a given curve for a light source at a given point (known as the radiant point).
If, in two solids of equal altitude, the sections made by planes parallel to and at the same distance from their respective bases are always equal, then the volumes of the ...
Given A = |a_(11)-x a_(12) ... a_(1m); a_(21) a_(22)-x ... a_(2m); | | ... |; a_(m1) a_(m2) ... a_(mm)-x| (1) = x^m+c_(m-1)x^(m-1)+...+c_0, (2) then ...
The parameters alpha, beta, gamma, and delta which, like the three Euler angles, provide a way to uniquely characterize the orientation of a solid body. These parameters ...
The 60 Pascal lines of a hexagon inscribed in a conic intersect three at a time through 20 Steiner points, and also three at a time in 60 Kirkman points. Each Steiner point ...
In affine three-space the Cayley surface is given by x_3=x_1x_2-1/3x_1^3 (1) (Nomizu and Sasaki 1994). The surface has been generalized by Eastwood and Ezhov (2000) to ...
A plane curve discovered by Maclaurin but first studied in detail by Cayley. The name Cayley's sextic is due to R. C. Archibald, who attempted to classify curves in a paper ...
