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A set S in a metric space (S,d) is bounded if it has a finite generalized diameter, i.e., there is an R<infty such that d(x,y)<=R for all x,y in S. A set in R^n is bounded ...
A function f(x) is said to have bounded variation if, over the closed interval x in [a,b], there exists an M such that |f(x_1)-f(a)|+|f(x_2)-f(x_1)|+... +|f(b)-f(x_(n-1))|<=M ...
The function defined by the contour integral J_(n,k)(z) =1/(2pii)int^((0+))t^(-n-1)(t+1/t)^kexp[1/2z(t-1/t)]dt, where int_((0+)) denotes the contour encircling the point z=0 ...
Gray (1997) defines Bour's minimal curve over complex z by x^' = (z^(m-1))/(m-1)-(z^(m+1))/(m+1) (1) y^' = i((z^(m-1))/(m-1)+(z^(m+1))/(m+1)) (2) z^' = (2z^m)/m, (3) and then ...
The linear Boussinesq equation is the partial differential equation u_(tt)-alpha^2u_(xx)=beta^2u_(xxtt) (1) (Whitham 1974, p. 9; Zwillinger 1997, p. 129). The nonlinear ...
A transformation which transforms from a two-dimensional continuous uniform distribution to a two-dimensional bivariate normal distribution (or complex normal distribution). ...
A box integral for dimension n with parameters q and s is defined as the expectation of distance from a fixed point q of a point r chosen at random over the unit n-cube, ...
A roll of two 6s (the highest roll possible) on a pair of 6-sided dice. The probability of rolling boxcars in a single roll of two dice is 1/36, or 2.777...%. In order to ...
A bra <psi| is a vector living in a dual vector space to that containing kets |psi>. Bras and kets are commonly encountered in quantum mechanics. Bras and kets can be ...
One of the polynomials obtained by taking powers of the Brahmagupta matrix. They satisfy the recurrence relation x_(n+1) = xx_n+tyy_n (1) y_(n+1) = xy_n+yx_n. (2) A list of ...
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