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A full angle, also called a complete angle, round angle, or perigon, is an angle equal to 2pi radians =360 degrees corresponding to the central angle of an entire circle. ...
A stellation is said to be fully supported if all its included cells are supported, i.e., if all its bottom faces are covered by their adjacent cells. In other words, every ...
By analogy with the geometric centroid, the centroid of an arbitrary function f(x) is defined as <x>=(intxf(x)dx)/(intf(x)dx), (1) where the integrals are taken over the ...
The convex hull of two or more functions is the largest function that is concave from above and does not exceed the given functions.
A function element is an ordered pair (f,U) where U is a disk D(Z_0,r) and f is an analytic function defined on U. If W is an open set, then a function element in W is a pair ...
f(I) is the collection of all real-valued continuous functions defined on some interval I. f^((n))(I) is the collection of all functions in f(I) with continuous nth ...
An early name for calculus of variations. The term is also sometimes used in place of predicate calculus.
The functional derivative is a generalization of the usual derivative that arises in the calculus of variations. In a functional derivative, instead of differentiating a ...
A functional differential equation is a differential equation in which the derivative y^'(t) of an unknown function y has a value at t that is related to y as a function of ...
A functional graph is a directed graph in which each vertex has outdegree one, and can therefore be specified by a function mapping {1,...,n} onto itself. Functional graphs ...
