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Partial differential equation boundary conditions which give the value of the function on a surface, e.g., T=f(r,t).
Let h be a real-valued harmonic function on a bounded domain Omega, then the Dirichlet energy is defined as int_Omega|del h|^2dx, where del is the gradient.
A subset A subset= X of a topological space X is said to be disconnected if it is not connected.
Discrepancy is a measure of the deviation of a point set from a uniform distribution. In general, the computation of the discrepancy of a point set is computationally ...
A family of subsets of a topological space such that every point has a neighborhood that intersects only one of them.
Discrete group theory is a broad subject covering certain aspects of groups. Such topics as free groups, group presentations, fundamental groups, Kleinian groups, and ...
The metric g defined on a nonempty set X by g(x,x) = 0 (1) g(x,y) = 1 (2) if x!=y for all x,y in X. It follows that the open ball of radius r>0 and center at x_0 B(x_0,r)={x ...
A discrete space is simply a topological space equipped with the discrete topology. A discrete space is always a metric space, namely the metric space with the same ...
A topology is given by a collection of subsets of a topological space X. The smallest topology has two open sets, the empty set emptyset and X. The largest topology contains ...
Two sets A_1 and A_2 are disjoint if their intersection A_1 intersection A_2=emptyset, where emptyset is the empty set. n sets A_1, A_2, ..., A_n are disjoint if A_i ...
