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The digon is the degenerate polygon (corresponding to a line segment) with Schläfli symbol {2}.
The digraph union of two digraphs is the digraph whose vertex set (respectively, edge set) is the union of their vertex sets (respectively, edge sets). Given a positive ...
The dihedral group D_2 is a point group that is isomorphic to the vierergruppe and the finite group C_2×C_2.
A dihedron is a regular tiling or map on a sphere composed of two regular p-gons, each occupying a hemisphere and with edge lengths of 2pi/p on a unit sphere. Its Schläfli ...
The shortest path-spanning tree from a graph vertex of a graph.
Informally, a situation in which a decision must be made from several alternatives, none of which is obviously the optimal one. In formal logic, a dilemma is a specific type ...
R^n is homeomorphic to R^m iff n=m. This theorem was first proved by Brouwer.
A diminished polyhedron is a polyhedron in which one or more groups of associated faces (such as those comprising the top of a pyramid or cupola in the case of a Johnson ...
An expansion based on the roots of x^(-n)[xJ_n^'(x)+HJ_n(x)]=0, where J_n(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind, is called a Dini expansion.
The order-n dipole graph D_n is a multigraph consisting of two vertices and n multiple edges joining them. The dipole graph D_2 is a multigraph that can be considered to ...
