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A map projection with transformation equations x = rhosintheta (1) y = rho_0-rhocostheta, (2) where rho = (G-phi) (3) theta = n(lambda-lambda_0) (4) rho_0 = (G-phi_0) (5) G = ...
The discriminant of the general conic section ax_1^2+bx_2^2+cx_3^2+2fx_2x_3+2gx_1x_3+2hx_1x_2=0 is defined as Delta=|a h g; h b f; g f c|=abc+2fgh-af^2-bg^2-ch^2. If b=a and ...
Functions which can be expressed in terms of Legendre functions of the first and second kinds. See Abramowitz and Stegun (1972, p. 337). P_(-1/2+ip)(costheta) = (1) = ...
The conical spiral with angular frequency a on a cone of height h and radius r is a space curve given by the parametric equations x = (h-z)/hrcos(az) (1) y = (h-z)/hrsin(az) ...
A proposition which is consistent with known data, but has neither been verified nor shown to be false. It is synonymous with hypothesis.
Given a group with elements A and X, there must be an element B which is a similarity transformation of A,B=X^(-1)AX so A and B are conjugate with respect to X. Conjugate ...
A subgroup H of an original group G has elements h_i. Let x be a fixed element of the original group G which is not a member of H. Then the transformation xh_ix^(-1), (i=1, ...
Connectivity properties obey the following hierarchy: convex => star convex => pathwise-connected => connected.
An ordered pair (a,b) of nonnegative integers such that there is some set of a points and b edges whose removal disconnects the graph and there is no set of a-1 nodes and b ...
The absence of contradiction (i.e., the ability to prove that a statement and its negative are both true) in an Axiomatic system is known as consistency.
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