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The pedal curve of the cissoid, when the pedal point is on the axis beyond the asymptote at a distance from the cusp which is four times that of the asymptote is a cardioid.
Because of rounding, the stated class limits do not correspond to the actual ranges of data falling in them. For example, if the class limits are 1.00 and 2.00, then all ...
One of the ranges into which data in a frequency distribution table (or histogram) are binned. The ends of a class interval are called class limits, and the middle of an ...
The average of the values of the class limits for a given class. A class mark is also called a midvalue or central value (Kenney and Keeping 1962, p. 14), and is commonly ...
A set of class representatives is a subset of X which contains exactly one element from each equivalence class.
Classical algebraic geometry is the study of algebraic varieties, both affine varieties in C^n and projective algebraic varieties in CP^n. The original motivation was to ...
The four following types of groups, 1. linear groups, 2. orthogonal groups, 3. symplectic groups, and 4. unitary groups, which were studied before more exotic types of groups ...
The classification of a collection of objects generally means that a list has been constructed with exactly one member from each isomorphism type among the objects, and that ...
A clause is a disjunction of literals.
where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is a hypergeometric function and _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a generalized hypergeometric function.
