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The inverse of the Laplace transform, given by F(t)=1/(2pii)int_(gamma-iinfty)^(gamma+iinfty)e^(st)f(s)ds, where gamma is a vertical contour in the complex plane chosen so ...
The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is an efficient method for finding all maximal cliques in a graph.
For every positive integer n, there exists a square in the plane with exactly n lattice points in its interior. This was extended by Schinzel and Kulikowski to all plane ...
An extension of the secant method of root finding to higher dimensions.
A Brunnian link is a set of n linked loops such that each proper sublink is trivial, so that the removal of any component leaves a set of trivial unlinked unknots. The ...
The system of ordinary differential equations u^' = A+u^2v-(B+1)u (1) v^' = Bu-u^2v (2) (Hairer et al. 1987, p. 112; Zwillinger 1997, p. 136). The so-called full Brusselator ...
A paradox arising in the use of comparative adjectives. Suppose you have exactly two brothers, both of whom are older than you are. Then the following apparently false ...
The Buchstab function omega(u) is defined by the delay differential equation {uomega(u)=1 for 1<=u<=2; (uomega(u))^'=omega(u-1) for u>2 (1) (Panario 1998). It approaches the ...
A highly structured geometric object used to study groups which act upon them.
A quartic curve with implicit equation (a^2)/(x^2)-(b^2)/(y^2)=1 (1) or a^2y^2-b^2x^2=x^2y^2 (2) and a,b>0. In parametric form, x = +/-acost (3) y = bcott. (4) The curvature ...
