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The augmented sphenocorona is Johnson solid J_(87), which is formed from augmentation of one of the square faces of the sphenocorona by an equilateral square pyramid. The ...
The augmented tridiminished icosahedron is Johnson solid J_(64), which is formed from augmentation of the triangular face adjecent to all three hexagons of the tridiminished ...
The augmented truncated tetrahedron is Johnson solid J_(66) constructed by affixing a square cupola to one of the octagonal faces of a truncated cube such that the cupola's ...
The augmented truncated dodecahedron is Johnson solid J_(68) constructed by affixing a pentagonal cupola to one of the decagonal faces of a truncated dodecahedron such that ...
The augmented truncated tetrahedron is Johnson solid J_(65) constructed by affixing a triangular cupola to one of the hexagonal faces of a truncated tetrahedron such that the ...
"Aut" is the term applied in propositional calculus to the XOR connective. "Aut" is Latin form for "either/or (but not both)," e.g., "Aut Caesar aut nihil" (Cesare Borgia; ...
Lee (1944) defines an authalic map projection to be one in which at any point the scales in two orthogonal directions are inversely proportional.
The group of functions from an object G to itself which preserve the structure of the object, denoted Aut(G). The automorphism group of a group preserves the multiplication ...
A differential equation or system of ordinary differential equations is said to be autonomous if it does not explicitly contain the independent variable (usually denoted t). ...
The average power of a complex signal f(t) as a function of time t is defined as <f^2(t)>=lim_(T->infty)1/(2T)int_(-T)^T|f(t)|^2dt, where |z| is the complex modulus (Papoulis ...
