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S(nu,z) = int_0^infty(1+t)^(-nu)e^(-zt)dt (1) = z^(nu-1)e^zint_z^inftyu^(-nu)e^(-u)du (2) = z^(nu/2-1)e^(z/2)W_(-nu/2,(1-nu)/2)(z), (3) where W_(k,m)(z) is the Whittaker ...
A space-filling function.
A property of finite simple groups which is known for all such groups.
The Schur polynomials are a class of orthogonal polynomials. They are a special case of the Jack polynomials corresponding to the case alpha=1.
A self-complementary graph is a graph which is isomorphic to its graph complement. The numbers of simple self-complementary graphs on n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, ...
A group which is related to the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture.
A p-element x of a group G is semisimple if E(C_G(x))!=1, where E(H) is the commuting product of all components of H and C_G(x) is the centralizer of G.
A translation without rotation or distortion.
The edge of a polygon or face of a polyhedron are sometimes called sides.
Theta(G;A)=<theta(a):a in A-1> is an A-invariant solvable p^'-subgroup of G.
