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year winner 2010 Yves Meyer
A coordinate system which has a metric satisfying g_(ii)=-1 and partialg_(ij)/partialx_j=0.
If a distribution has a single mode at mu_0, then P(|x-mu_0|>=lambdatau)<=4/(9lambda^2), where tau^2=sigma^2+(mu-mu_0)^2.
Let f(z) be an analytic function in |z-a|<R. Then f(z)=1/(2pi)int_0^(2pi)f(z+re^(itheta))dtheta for 0<r<R.
A generalized continued fraction is an expression of the form b_0+(a_1)/(b_1+(a_2)/(b_2+(a_3)/(b_3+...))), (1) where the partial numerators a_1,a_2,... and partial ...
The geodesics on a general cylinder generated by lines parallel to a line l with which the tangent makes a constant angle.
dtau^2=-eta_(alphabeta)dxi^alphadxi^beta, or (d^2xi^alpha)/(dtau^2)=0.
A type of flow technically defined in terms of the tangent bundle of a manifold.
A one-dimensional geometric object such as a pencil or line segment range.
The Glaisher-Kinkelin constant A is defined by lim_(n->infty)(H(n))/(n^(n^2/2+n/2+1/12)e^(-n^2/4))=A (1) (Glaisher 1878, 1894, Voros 1987), where H(n) is the hyperfactorial, ...
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