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In the 1980s, Samuel Yates defined a titanic prime to be a prime number of at least 1000 decimal digits. The smallest titanic prime is 10^(999)+7. As of 1990, more than 1400 ...
Given an integer sequence {a_n}_(n=1)^infty, a prime number p is said to be a primitive prime factor of the term a_n if p divides a_n but does not divide any a_m for m<n. It ...
A prime gap of length n is a run of n-1 consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes p_k and p_(k+1) ...
A deletable prime is a prime number which has the property that deleting digits one at a time in some order gives a prime at each step. For example, 410256793 is a deletable ...
A prime which does not divide the class number h(p) of the cyclotomic field obtained by adjoining a primitive pth root of unity to the field of rationals. A prime p is ...
A prime circle of order 2n is a free circular permutation of the numbers from 1 to 2n with adjacent pairs summing to a prime. The number of prime circles for n=1, 2, ..., are ...
A Fermat prime is a Fermat number F_n=2^(2^n)+1 that is prime. Fermat primes are therefore near-square primes. Fermat conjectured in 1650 that every Fermat number is prime ...
A Belphegor prime (also known as a Beelphegor prime) is a prime Belphegor number, i.e., a palindromic prime of the form 1(0...)666(0...)1. The first few Belphegor primes are ...
A prime p is called a Wolstenholme prime if the central binomial coefficient (2p; p)=2 (mod p^4), (1) or equivalently if B_(p-3)=0 (mod p), (2) where B_n is the nth Bernoulli ...
The nth Ramanujan prime is the smallest number R_n such that pi(x)-pi(x/2)>=n for all x>=R_n, where pi(x) is the prime counting function. In other words, there are at least n ...